Monday, June 22, 2009

Postcards from In World

Thanks for a great meeting today! As a group, we generated a great list of "next steps" in the ongoing design of Budworm.

To the left, you can see the five of us in the center of town.

After some fancy footwork with the keyboards, we all managed to get up on the roof of the BioSeq Building.

A few of us managed to sit on the lab benches, which lead to a discussion about bench height relative to different avatar heights.

The group convened on the third floor to explore the bunk facilities for visiting researchers / consultants. Interesting conversation about the different ways to get our avatars to sit down where and how we want them to sit down (note, sitting on couch and sitting on arm of chair).

There is a conference table on the second floor -- we practiced getting our avatars to sit around the table, like in RL. We discussed how and whether students might use settings like this to carry out group work tasks.

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